Campaign Manager - Application Admin

Tridion link configuration

Use Tridion Link to specify the Tridion server configuration settings. These settings enable the 'Tridion Email Tactic' or 'Profile Rule Export' functionality.


  1. Select the Tridion Link tab.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Sitename field enter the internal name that Campaign Manager will use to store the settings.

The sitename must be unique.

  1. Enter the Host. This is the name of the website in the Campaign Manager installation that is running the webserver.

The Host value is used to control access to this Tridion site, and by default allows access to every user in this host.

  1. Enter the End Point. This is the place where Campaign Manager can find the 'Core' webservice of the Tridion server.

This includes the network name of the machine running the Tridion webservice, the TCP port in use and the protocol. For example: Enter the webwervice host path in the Host field.

  1. Select the HTTPS check box if the Tridion site is available in an HTTPS installation of Campaign Manager.
  2. Enter the user name you use to sign into Tridion in the Username field.
  3. Enter the password you use to sign into Tridion in the Password field.
  4. In the Publication field enter the name of the Tridion publication that Campaign Manager should connect to, for either Profile Rule Export or Email content.
  5. In the Publication folder field enter the Tridion folder that the profile rules should be exported to.

This folder must exist in the given publication.

  1. Enter the publication ID of a content published in Tridion, typically in a 'tcm:x-x-x' format, in the Publication ID field.

The Tridion UI can be used to find the ID. Only content that has been published in Tridion will be available for use in Email Manager.

  1. Set the root folder for the content to be used in the Page location field.
  2. Use the EM Location field to select the name of the folder in Email Manager that the content is uploaded to from Campaign Manager.
  3. Click Save.
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